Creating new Canvas courses (especially new Blueprints) takes time and careful planning. It is usually the joint effort between an OTL design lead and a Faculty member to carefully review the curriculum and make improvements for the next year or term of the program.

  1. Faculty submits a request for a new course at least 2 weeks prior to term start dates.
  2. OTL decides which team member will be the design lead, and that individual makes the course according to the specifications in the course request.
  3. The design lead works with the Faculty member to decide what gets copied over from previous courses, if anything.
  4. If this is a blueprint course, the design lead associates children courses when the blueprint is completely finished. A blueprint is completely finished when:
    1. It has been reviewed and signed off by the OTL coordinator using the Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist
    2. The home page is completely built out.
    3. Locked objects are in place.
    4. The Faculty member has been instructed in syncing the blueprint to child courses.

Note: There should be limited faculty with ability to edit blueprints in order to maintain course quality and standardization. We recommend no more than 2 instructors have access to the blueprint for editing and that all edits are done by the Program Coordinator.
