Instructional Designer
OTL is always changing! We have a new Instructional Designer who will be starting with us: Autumn Krogh; Johnny Vargas has transitioned into a full-time role as our LMS Administrator. In that time, we have said farewell to Emily Pulham and Jennifer Remy as they have moved on to different stages of their lives. The department now has four employees who are here to serve you:
Alan Barth, OTL Director
Danny Young, Instructional Designer
Autumn Krogh, Instructional Designer
Johnny Vargas, LMS Administrator
Upcoming Dates to know!
- Thursday June 16th, OTL Webinar, Peer Reviewed Assignments
- 2:30 - 3:30 Online via Zoom
- Presenter - Alan Barth
- Can count towards a webinar or workshop for PD hours!
- Friday, July 29th Canvas Course Request Deadline for the first term
- Johnny is diligently working on making the process of requesting canvas courses easier, please reach out to him if you have any questions or concerns.
- Friday August 5th, Opening Institute
Pace Plans
As we move to a course based system, I want everyone to be aware of the great resource we have in canvas called Pace Plans. It is a tool to help manage due dates for students. In our new course based system, students have a defined amount of time to finish a course. By using Pace Plans, they can get a detailed overview on when every assignment is due in order to be completed on time. I would recommend that everyone take a look to see if they could be a good fit for your program. If you want to learn more, please reach out or watch the bridge training here.
FYI for all of your Pace Plan users: the pace plan will start when a student accepts the invite to the course. If, for some reason, your students are not accepting the canvas course invitation on the first day of class, you will need to manually change their start date to make sure that the dates in the pace plan match the dates you will have in Northstar. Please email otlhelpdesk@mtec.edu if you have any questions!