
OTL Newsletters

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! The Office of Teaching and Learning is excited to start a new year with new opportunities!

As we continue to grow and develop we want to continue to increase our availability and capacity to support every program at MTECH. OTL has three main areas of focus as outlined on our website.

Keeping Canvas up and running, resolving issues, training faculty, and implementing new tools and updates occupies a good portion of our time. Our goal is not to simply maintain Canvas, but to improve the experience for both teachers and students. As you look for ways to improve your courses, please reach out to OTL and allow us to demonstrate the tools available to you.
Instructional Design

In addition to tools natively available in Canvas, it is important to occasionally review your course to identify areas that can be improved. This could include updating and clarifying assignment instructions,  revising quiz questions, or creating updated media to improve instruction. All of these and more are options that our team of Instructional Designers work with on a regular basis, and they are always ready to share that expertise. For faculty in either Trades or Apprenticeship programs, please reach out to Camellia Hill. For Faculty in Technology, Services, or Healthcare, please contact Autumn Krogh. If you are unsure, you can always reach out to or Danny Young for clarification.

Faculty Development

We want both our students and instructors to gain valuable skills during their time at MTECH. That’s why we provide opportunities for faculty to attend webinars focused on presenting tools and skills that can help you improve as a teacher. Last year OTL offered a number of webinars as well as workshops. We have more planned for this year and hope you will join us!

As part of the ongoing Faculty Development Webinars, Brent Gregson has created a Professional Learning Community course on Canvas. Many MTECH Faculty are already enrolled as participants. As OTL continues to develop additional training and professional development opportunities, our goal is to increase participation across campus as we develop this course into a more useful tool.

Towards that end, we will be extending invitations to all faculty members to join the Canvas course. There is no requirement to accept the invitation, but we hope that you will join us in developing this course into a valuable resource for all faculty members, as well as a place where you can share ideas and resources with each other.

As you learn more, please reach out to OTL and help us understand how we can improve this course to better support you and your students.
