OTL Newsletters

Change is in the air! As always things move quickly at MTECH, just like Utah’s weather. As the cold weather moves in and we all try to figure out where Fall went, let’s take a look at a few updates that will hopefully help ease your workload.

First, you may already have seen the updates to the user interface to Simple Syllabus as well as Canvas Gradebook, but if you haven’t, you should take a look at those items below where you will find important information on these changes and how the updates could impact your workflows. Second, New Quizzes in Canvas has been around for a while now, so if you haven’t checked them out yet you should take a look at some of the benefits of this new tool. Note, as this is a new feature, please make sure you take time to fully review your options before moving all your quizzes to the new format.

Finally, we’re excited to announce that we have purchased additional Kahoot! licenses. These licenses are available to any faculty but we do have a limited amount. If you already use Kahoot! extensively we would love to help you move your content over to an MTECH license so you can enjoy some of the additional features. If you are considering using Kahoot!, but don’t know much about it yet, we’d encourage you to review and experiment with some of the free features first and make sure it is a tool you will use before requesting a license. Kahoot! will also be offering a webinar for MTECH employees in January to help us take advantage of there platform. The date and time will be announced as we finalize the OTL Webinar schedule for 2024.

Upcoming Dates đź—“

2023 will be over before you know it. Here are some end of year reminders to help get everyone ready for 2024!

  • Campus Meetings, Nov. 6-9
  • Thanksgiving Holiday, Nov. 23 & 24
  • OTL Workshop, Nov. 28, 29, & 30
  • Canvas course request deadline, Dec. 8
  • Simple Syllabus deadline, Dec. 15
  • Employee Christmas Party, Dec. 21
  • Christmas Holiday, Dec. 25 – Jan. 1

Simple Syllabus Update

You may already be familiar with the recent update that changed the layout of your Simple Syllabus Dashboard. Currently, you can switch back and forth between the old layout and the new one. However, it was recently announced that the new layout will become permanent in January 2024. While the new view may be confusing at first, it adds several filtering options that should help you more quickly identify tasks that need immediate attention.
OTL provided a preview of this new layout earlier this year. If you were not able to attend, don’t worry, we will be providing options for additional training on the new view next year as well. In the meantime, if you would like some additional help getting your syllabi ready for January, we are always available to help.

Canvas Updates

Canvas is constantly updating and we aren’t always able to keep up with their changes. The recent change to the Gradebook is an example of one update that was implemented with little notice from Instructure. The added filtering capabilities can be very helpful, but for those who may still be working on adjusting to the change the Canvas Guide, “How do I use the Gradebook?”, might be helpful.
New Quizzes
As Canvas continues to update the New Quiz tool it will likely eventually become the default tool for most of your courses. This tool features new question types like Hot Spots that can challenge and engage students in new ways. Additionally, New Quizzes include the ability to print quizzes, shuffle answers by question, and improved options for managing question banks (now called Item Banks). If you’re interested in learning more about New Quizzes, check out these Canvas Guides or meet with a member of OTL.