Starting this fall, you will notice some changes to the frequency of OTL Newsletters and events. Here are the details:
- OTL Newsletters will be sent quarterly. You can still view the archive of past newsletters on the website.
- Canvas Q & A has been discontinued. You are welcome to schedule a meeting with someone in the Office of Teaching and Learning if you have questions about Canvas. Email otlhelpdesk@mtec.edu for day-to-day questions and needs.
- OTL Webinars will be offered quarterly, and include an assignment after the webinar is over. Webinars will be worth 1 hr of professional development (PD) credit, and 1 hr of PD credit for completing an assignment.
- OTL Workshops (in-person) will be offered six times a year and rotate between Lehi, Orem, and Spanish Fork campuses. Workshops will be worth 1.5 hrs of PD credit, and an additional 1 hr of PD credit for completing an assignment.
We will be asking all instructors to attend one workshop and one webinar each fiscal year. You can view here a general schedule of the year's webinars and workshops. This will also be handed out at Faculty meeting in October.
Here is another document about what counts as professional development.
Upcoming Events
Click the links below to register for fall OTL events!
- Webinar: Hybrid Teaching and Learning Design with Dr. Charles Graham - Friday October 29th - 10:30 - 11:30 am
- Workshop: Creating Effective and Engaging Lesson Plans with Amanda Burton at Spanish Fork Campus - Tuesday November 16th 3:00-4:30 pm
About Dr. Charles Graham
Dr. Graham is our presenter for October's webinar about Hybrid Teaching and Learning. We are very grateful to have him present to us!
Charles R. Graham is a Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University. He studies the design and evaluation of online and blended learning environments and the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. Charles has authored 50+ articles in over two-dozen journals and 20+ chapters related to online and blended learning in edited books. Additional details about his scholarly work can be found online at: https://sites.google.com/site/charlesrgraham/
About Dr. Jered Borup

Dr. Jered Borup is a professor of Learning Technologies at George Mason University in Virginia. He has taught online and blended courses since 2008 and taught history for six years at a junior high school. He researches developing online learning communities and how to help adolescent learners to be successful in online environments. He has taught and mentored many educators, written over 50 research articles and book chapters, and has received many awards. Additional details about his work can be found at his website: https://sites.google.com/site/jeredborup/
Meet Jennifer Remy
Jennifer is our new LMS Administrator! She is responding to your requests and questions in otlhelpdesk@mtec.edu and is available for consulting about how your program is utilizing Canvas and its tools. Please reach out and get to know her! Her office is at the Lehi Main Campus.
New H5P Content Types
H5P is constantly evolving and improving the content types that they offer. They recently added two activities: custom crossword puzzles and image selection items. See below for previews of these content types. If you want to create activities like this for your program in Canvas, please schedule an appointment with Instructional Designers in OTL.