
OTL Newsletters

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."

Helen Keller

September 2021 Events

Click above to see the events calendar and register for the different activities, or click on the links individually below. Program Coordinators: we strongly encourage you to attend the September OTL Webinar about Canvas Updates as we will be discussing system-wide changes to the Quiz engine and what you can do to be prepared.

View Past Events

If you missed our recent webinars from July and August, you can participate now by enrolling in these courses in Bridge:

Learning Science Spotlight: Do Stories Help Students Learn?

Have you tried using stories to help students get engaged in what they're learning in your class? You may want to watch this video to learn more about how storytelling helped students retain information in a recent research study.

Canvas Feature Spotlight: Pace Plans

You might have noticed some new items in your Course Navigation within Canvas recently (Pace Plans and Pace Reporting).

An arrow pointing to Pace Plans and Pace Reporting in Canvas Course Navigation

These tools help you generate due dates for assignments automatically and can help communicate a student's progress through the course materials. Here are a few tips for getting set up:

  1. Make sure your module content is organized in a linear way (students move from one thing to the next within your modules). Reach out to OTL if you need help with this.
  2. Within Pace Plans, visit the Master Plan and create your plan for how long different assignments or quizzes should take students. You can also plug in how many weeks your program should take a student to complete. Or if every student should finish by a specific end date, you can check that box and the Pace Plan will help you with the due dates for assignments and quizzes.arrows pointing to different buttons inside of Pace Plans - Master Plan, Number of Days to Complete, etc
  3. Once your Master Plan is complete, you can apply it to individual students within the "Student Plans" tab, giving each student their own start date. Otherwise, students will inherit a plan based on the section you enroll them in based on the date students joined your program (such as an October student cohort -- if you create a section called "October 2021 Cohort" and give the section a start date of October 12, then the pace plan will automatically know to start the plan on that date instead of the date in the Master plan).

If you want to implement this, please watch the Pace Plans Training in Bridge. Then get together with the Office of Teaching and Learning if you have other questions.
